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The Southern Forest Service Retirees Association is a 501(c)4 social organization with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.  The purpose is to serve present, former, and future USDA Forest Service retirees.  Subdivisions within this parent organization may be established as area chapters or other special interest or more intimate groups, subject to approval of the Directors.

The mission of this organization is to:

  1. Circulate among members, information of interest to them such as: current activities, health and welfare and member contact information

  2. Inform members of new activities, policies, and plans of the USDA Forest Service.  

Members shall be a person who is:

  1. a retiree or someone close to retirement from employment with the USDA Forest Service,

  2. or is a spouse of a deceased retiree, who qualified as a member,​

  3. or a retiree who has, at any time, been employed by the USDA Forest Service.

  4. An associate member shall be one who never worked in the USDA Forest Service.


See SFSRA Constitution link


Webmaster: Eric Schmeckpeper

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